Thursday, September 9, 2010

Why I Love #10: Back to School Week

So you might be wondering why I love going back to school. Let's face it: everyone loves summer. Summer is that faraway dream-land away from SAT's, final exams, homework, and everything tedious about high school. It's that place where you can just relax and do absolutely nothing. So why would I want to go back to school?

After a while, summer gets boring. I mean, I'm the type of person who begins to miss studying if I don't do it for a while. There's only so much useless TV that you watch... (by the way, Pretty Little Liars is officially the best show ever. It's a new show that I discovered this summer & I really can't wait till the next season starts.) And there's only so much stuff you can do on the internet before you get bored of refreshing your email / Facebook page- checking for updates.

Over the summer, I kept listening to new pop music & reading new teen fantasy books. Some random ones I liked: Bleeding Violet, City of Bones (sort of), Nightschool, Cactus's Secret (the last two are manga). I really should start writing book reviews soon... maybe once the school year settles into a groove or something. There's no need for me to tell you what new music I like because I'm posting them now at Pop Songs of the Day. But I will start posting book reviews soon.

Anyway, yeah. During the summer, I did tons of stuff. Too much, in fact, because I ended up procrastinating summer reading until the last minute (as usual). I took math classes at a local college, got a part-time job, took driving lessons, started a science experiment, went away to camp twice, visited colleges, etc. It was hectic, and I literally would not have survived if I didn't have a handy-dandy organizing calendar to keep track of it all. Overall though, it got really crazy for a while & I ended up longing for the nice, scheduled days of high school.

So basically, I love going back to school because it gives me some structure in my life. I have to wake up at a certain time, go to scheduled classes, get homework every day. I sort of like having a routine. Of course, with my course-load this year, I will be spending a lot of my time studying. On the plus side, I get see my friends again after two months, talk about stuff, and everything that's nice about high school. I really enjoyed my first day of high school, and I hope every other day this year will be just as great!

Photo credit: The Paly Voice (Palo Alto High School online journalism)

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